The VA Way — RACIST Hating BIAS against white Veterans and ALL Trump/MAGA Supporter

The VA Way

Videos and pics showing the union laziness and overall “hate-“whitey,” “hate ALL supporters of President Trump” AND the patent racist bias of The VA Way.

What will happen over the next two years is I will SHOW YOU The VA Way , a term those ‘people’ use to rationalize their collective indifference and laziness to us, the veterans. The ones of us they kill.

For three years the ‘people’ working for the VA in the back offices have proven themselves BIAS against white males, with a marked laziness (will upload 100 of pics and videos of the lazy jerks milling around the cafeteria and their offices while we die). and HATRED for most white people and anyone who even looks like they voted for President Trump.

Each video and pic will show that over 90% of these ‘people’ do NOT work only act as parasites on OUR $$$ while we die because of their neglect.

You will notice in these random (except for time as I will make sure and be in the places where they mill and gather when they should be at work) movies and pics will the abundance of HATE-WHITEY/Hate-Trump that rules this and ALL VAs.

Think about it, why is nearly EVERY back office position almost ALL black and black female ?

Don’t white and Hispanic females apply ? They are ‘protected too’ but don’t get hired in Gainesville.

Meanwhile, they (and Yoho doggie Dave Hill) bankrupt this nation and give us NOTHING but hate of us in return.

These ‘people’ are in a government union and DO NOT CARE about us, only the time they can screw around daily, to plan yet another 3-day vacation, and to wait like a baying puppy for that union check our blood pays for.

In other words, “We veterans pay for our own murders due to the laziness of those union people.”

One visit will be to Human Resources, where I too (I have a real Masters too !) was DENIED work because of my race and being pro-Trump, and you will understand as the blacks there conspire to deny us employment and have since Trump ran. The only white males you will see will be care givers or JANITORS.

Ted Yoho told me to go see his loyal dog Dave Hill (a double-dipping, enlisted anti-Veteran, egoist parasite), who seems to think lying and denying will make Ted swoon, is another of those who is responsible.

It’s on and you cannot stop me. Payback time. First videos and pics coming on 2/20/19.

Ryancare: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss !


Granted, Billy Bill will not walk up this Hill like Obamacare did when Scott Brown was bypassed. There will be a Senate bill and then conference committee reconciliation of the differences. Then on to appropriations.
The mistake is EVER taking the word of Paul Ryan, a Catholic papist who would rather bankrupt this country so 36,000,000 illegal immigrant Hispanic Catholics can suck MEDICAID and all social services dry w/o paying taxes as they are stealing our jobs.
The President’s First Train Wreck… and it is a BIG one. Thank Paul Ryan.
Three standard exhibits below, but don’t worry, there will be three phases of review.
Update: Breitbart just nailed it seven ways. And since Bannon is about three feet away from Trump, I hope this has been accounted for and that this pig will go away before the  House/Senate conference committee. I doubt it.
I wrote Exhibit 2 below before I read this.
Have a listen while you read the Breitbart article and the three exhibits.

Say, aren’t The Who peeing on a column ? Think of that column as American freedom and they are Beirut Hussein Obama and Paul Ryan.

Exhibit 1: The Individual Mandate Was, And Is, UNCONSTITUTIONAL
This is from VERY FAKE NEWS CNN. Apparently, they are not that FAKE, are they ?
Leave it to a Bush 43 appointee, Roberts, to **** us. Is he related to a Bush 41 appointee, Souter ?

The Ryancare/Republican bill says it would “eliminate” the individual mandate, which means that people would not have to pay a penalty if they went without insurance. One possible effect, though, is that healthy people might be less likely to buy insurance, driving up prices for those who need it most, like older people and the sick. It is called free will and the market.

People who let their insurance coverage lapse, however, would face a significant penalty. Insurers could increase their premiums by 30 percent, and in that sense, Republicans would replace a penalty for not having insurance with a new penalty for allowing insurance to lapse. Not so fast, RINO Ryan.

However, according to experts on both sides:  A federal purchase mandate is a mandate, and if I read the Commerce Clause right, that is unconstitutional. Not everyone eats broccoli.

Exhibit 2. Illegal (and Legal) Immigrants on MEDICAID (and every social welfare they can steal)
In 1989, I worked in a bistro in N. Oak on College Ave. The chef was Mexican. He was good and made $1,600 a week. Cash.
His daughter came in and she had facial deformities that had been repaired at Duke University a year before. I asked him how much did that cost.
“No, free, MEDICAID.”
That happened and made me realize the threat.
Multiply that by 38,000,000 illegal Hispanic Catholics who use ERs as walk-in clinics and those pesky 8,000,000 Jorge Ramos-loving, Scheming-Dreamers that Paul Ryan wants here to fill the pews of his Church”.
There’s tides to be drained from Americans for a  Jesuit pope who recently said, “There is no such thing as Islamic terror.”

Ryancare would let states keep Medicaid expansion and allow states that expanded Medicaid to continue getting federal funding as they would have under the A.C.A., until 2020. Federal funding for people who became newly eligible starting in 2020 or who left the program and came back, however, would be reduced. The bill also proposes capping federal funding per enrollee, based on how much each state was spending in 2016.

Exhibit 3: Mr. President: Ryancare — The 10 Amendment Still Ignored, The Same Taxes, The Same Regulations, The Same Federal Entitlement Progam, and NO INDIVIDUAL CHOICE outside of the federal system.

Why Ryancare sucks:
Actuarial science is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in insurance, finance and other industries and professions. Actuaries are professionals who are qualified in this field through intense education and experience. Risk is spread about the tables. Id est, we pay for them.
1) Keeping the pre-existing conditions policy — Requires insurers to cover people regardless of pre-existing medical conditions and bars the companies from charging more based on a person’s health history.
2) Essential health benefits — All insurers must offer 10 essential health benefits, including maternity care and preventive services.
3) Prohibitions on annual and lifetime limits  — Insurers are barred from setting a limit on how much they have to pay to cover someone.

Let me sum up Ryancare (so far) in baseball terms: Strrrrrrrrriike ONE !!


Dear Mr. President: Release All JFK & MLK Assassination, COINTELPRO, and Mena, Arkansas Drug Smuggling Files NOW !!

Dear Mr. President:
Please give the DNI/CIA/FBI/DOJ deep-state swamp, Beirut Obama’s shadow government, and their Fake News lackeys at the MSM and Fake News mirror outlets like NewsMax something to really worry about. Continue reading “Dear Mr. President: Release All JFK & MLK Assassination, COINTELPRO, and Mena, Arkansas Drug Smuggling Files NOW !!”